The birth of the Kweb.


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Dear readers, I have changed this page into a series of pages.
Mostly on a monthly bases, so now we have July 2003.
Look at the index of these pages!

Part XXIII: July 2003:




Extra texts 

 11 July 2003   txt01: Homepage cache from 04 July 2003 
 12 July 2003   txt01: A letter to the Israelis 
 13 July 2003   txt01: Enemies of peace or not? (Media info) 
 14 July 2003   txt01: Some poetry as found on Slate dot stuff 
 15 July 2003    
 17 July 2003    
 18 July 2003   txt01: WMD documents released on Friday 
 19 July 2003    
 22 July 2003   txt01: Cache of the homepage text to 20 July 2003 
 24 July 2003   txt01: A bit more shuttle info found 
 25 July 2003   txt01: Bodyguard info around Sammy & Sons  
 26 July 2003    
 27 July 2003   txt01: Some 'power analysis' around the 9/11 theme  
 28 July 2003   txt01: A second letter to the Israelis  
 30 July 2003   txt01: Showdown court case 15 Aug 09.15 hour (in Dutch) 
 31 July 2003    



To readers who are new to this story: You are now in part XXIII of the Birth of the Kweb, the Kweb is of course the KinkyWeb&is this website. This website is good&strong, it's some fine piece of art. Sometimes I write a bit rough on some subjects, but that's the way it is. If you don't like that you get to some other PolitcalCorrect website please!
If you are new, you have to know that almost all things I do write on this website do have some nasty habit of coming out. To avoid juridical shit I had to place some disclaimers, here is the disclaimer to this story.  

Also it is wise to read the Introduction to the stories, here I spell out some words that frequently appear in the stories, for example the SilverBullet. Who is the SilverBullet do you think? If you don't know read the Introduction to TheStoriesProject.


11 July 2003: Yesterday we came back from a little camping trip in the German landscape, so I am still in some lazy 'holiday speed' and that feels good. It was nice to ride the German Autobahn again, but gasoline prices were almost just like here in Holland... That was a pity, I didn't know that (gasoline is a sort of 'first life stuff' to the Germans, just like beer, so it was strange prices were that high).

No traveling went ok, only one 'almost hit' against a gasoline carrier (unexpected hard wind from the side), and for the rest it was perfect driving. For the rest nothing of any importance was done this day, a bit of working on these files and that was it. Some news read, but all was fine as far as I could see. 
A nice 10 to 25 attacks on a daily basis against coalition forces in Iraq, but these are only remnants from the dictator regime of course and they have nothing to do with the fallout of the economical sanctions. But no teasing to the Americans on this particular subject this day, the fine statement from some Democratic representative as being the Iraqi adventure some 'shooting gallery' is worth a little smile. 
Also worth some little smile was Moscow being on the edge of panic, it was some 'ladies week' around there and of course I feel pleased upon this very interesting part of 'Muslim female emancipation'. 

At last I can say I am seriously thinking upon writing more around the Chechen-theme too, but then it would grow bigger again and I would like to keep a bit of oversight please. Just look at what is going on right now;

  • Nine eleven theme (truth ramming out of the White House)
  • Afghanistan (fallout from the nine eleven fun)
  • Iraq (one year ago I gave the Americans permission to start war)
  • Mid east ( a tempting project, how to 'kill' the hate?)

And above this the Chechen stuff too? On the one hand I think a 'yes' but on many other hands I know far to little upon the history of this conflict and the actual situation. Since I still lack some budget to spend this lack of knowledge will keep on being problematic, but I don't care that much. Once the so called War Tribunal is implemented in the backbone of humanity it will be structural, so I have to be more patient.  

Title: What is the relevance of the USA my dear Sharon, do you know?

12 July 2003: Finally I wrote the first letter to the Israelis, it is a bit to macho but it is a good letter to start with. Much of what I wanted to say is completely not in it, may be more will follow.

For the rest there is not much more to say, it has come to my attention via the local media the on the fifth day of my little holiday some 20 year old female jumped from the tower in the center of ThisOldCity. It was a long time ago since the last suicide jump from that tower was observed (over a decade but I am not sure on this). Details look a bit worrying (because she could have landed right next to the War monument and after all it was the fifth day...) and that is all I have to say. 

Till next update, the rest is only a pic showing some lack of info I have on some foam problem.

Title: Was the shuttle foam frozen or was there much water condensed on it?


13 July 2003: This day I tested my brand new abec 7 bearings (although I call this often Abel 7 bearings). Before this I had only nr 5 on my rollerblades, and I have to say I am impressed with the improvement of this. It takes a lot less energy to stay at the 'standard speed' so there is a little danger lingering round the corner. On average I have two collisions with cars a year, but this year is still collision free, so lets hope for the best.

But just a 10% higher speed gives a 21% deeper wounds, this is the problem of abec 7. Or not?

And after two hours of nice skating she was still in my mind. Who? Well that 20 year old female mentioned yesterday. So shall I ask the local authorities to try and make a little investigation to this? Could be, but they have still my heavy disgust so I won't ask and carefully try to avoid all kinds of contact with them. Bah, they still value some unpaid bills much higher than human lives so they are simply disgusting.  


Beside these local emotions (and to be realistic, most locals think they are bounded by the so called 'rules' of local society and this is true on some hand). On other hands some news is observed and that is the extra text to this day, just some relatively good update upon some small slice of Palestine society. 

Title: Where is the evil found in this?

Proceeding with some Media report, this time devoted solely to quotes as found on the conservative intellectual dot com. It just looks like their level of writing has increased the latest weeks, how is this possible?

Media report to 13 July 2003: Nothing about 'Get your ass in Liberia but leave the bombs out' kind of stuff, no only some quotes worth saving into this story to this particular date. We start with some words of Pat Buchanan, his article has the title WMDs gone MIA. Quote:
The administration's crucial argument as to why it had no choice but to launch the first preventive war in American history is collapsing like a sand castle in a rising surf.
What was America’s real motive for attacking Iraq? Was it oil? Empire? To make the Middle East safe for Sharon? That these questions are being asked, not only by America’s critics, is the fault of the administration alone. For its crucial argument as to why it had no choice but to launch the first preventive war in American history is collapsing like a sand castle in a rising surf. 

Iraq, in retrospect, was no threat whatsoever to the United States. We fought an unnecessary war, and now we must rebuild a nation at a rising cost in blood and treasure.

Comment; Good question Pat, just keep on searching the answer to the question upon why exactly this war was started. Why? I guess you 

never read this one. Read also the publishing date please... 

We proceed with a quote from some article from a guy with the name Sartre, the article starts with the famous poem of TheSilverBullet (the American secretary of defense). Quote:
As we know,
There are known knowns.
There are things we know we know.
We also know
There are known unknowns.
That is to say
We know there are some things
We do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns,
The ones we don't know
We don't know. 
Feb. 12, 2002, Department of Defense news briefing.

Also I would like to bring to the attention of my honored audience my own words from Summer 2002 to TheSilverBullet:
I will beat the shit out of you old man, I will. 

And now in the Summer of 2003 I can say things could be better and things could be worse. 



Title: WMD are MIA & why all that fuzz on the 16 State of the Union words?
UnderTitle: Sleep well dear journalists from the Western hemisphere, sleep well.

The next paragraph of monsieur Sartre is also worth reading (all I wonder is, what is the DHR legacy?). Quote:
The Poetry of D.H. Rumsfeld may not rival that of D.H. Lawrence, but it certainly surpasses the occult skills of Aleister Crowley. What is known about Rumsfeld is not good. But what is projected by Rumsfeld is perceived as reassuring with a pinch of solace. The vision of a preempted strike does not make a ‘Donald of Arabia,’ nor would that other Lawrence indulge with comfort the DHR legacy. The Full Spectrum Dominance course of Rumsfeld conceals the purpose for - FSD - superiority over the entire range of battlefield threats. The aim entails more than an impersonal target. It marks a departure from all conventional defensive strategy. Even the MAD era would consider such a policy as dangerous.

Yes the MAD era, where is it gone? Vaporized only via the abundantly spending on defense of the Holy Reagan? Who knows this unknown?

And, just by the way, do you know what a very dangerous technical device of terror attack could be? That is some Submarine Unmanned Vehicle, or a SUV. Yes, this is surely known. 

But it is unknown if there is a people who would try to evilize the SUV concept. Suppose they are so evil that they
1) Always put humans in SUVs &
2) Never use them in the water?

This is unknown to me, are there some folks making twice evil dual use of the Submarine Unmanned Vehicle concept?


Now we tunnel back in time, somewhere in October 2001 I did observe some person from the American government say more or less the next words. I never filed them so the actual words could be wrongly quoted, but I remember them as follows (spoken on the television, so I was lucky to see it because I only watch telly 5 to 10 minutes a day...):

'And we just wonder, how does he do it? And we would like to ask this person to come over to our side and fight together the war on terror.' 

Who is the Unknown 'he' and who spoke words like this during the height of the anthrax attacks?



End of this days boosting and stuff like that, end of the Media report&already I think I need a longer holiday so may be (or not) until next update.

Title: Sleep well journalists, and love the Matrix you are in. Just love it.
UnderTitle: Shall I ask for the return of the NightmareOnWallStreet?

Yes, shall I ask for the return of the Nightmare? Do your work journalists and why don't you just inverse the Matrix? Don't you know how to invert this? You just clean up the rows until you have found Unity...


14 July 2003: The extra text to this day is a small collection of the poems of the SilverBullet (the American secretary of Defense, D.H. Rumsfeld). They are very beautiful and at moments breath taking beautiful when for example you read:
It's printed in the press.
The world thinks all these things happen.
They never happened.

The above lines are from the poem Happenings, recited by the SilverBullet on Feb 28 in the year 2003. To be honest, I felt a bit challenged and I tried a bit for myself to write stuff like this. Of course my poem cannot tip to the beauty of the poetic parts of the DHR legacy, but it is a good start. It has the title Total Awareness:

Total awareness.
What is total awareness of the Situation?
That is for example when, for example when.
You on thirteen September two thousand and one, you--
You read more and more details and you think:

You think 'Holy Moses, what am I doing here?'
'How come I am still alive?'
And you observe the SilverBullet saying:
'There is no silver bullet.'

So that was clear, that was clarity.
And I felt relief, so I moved on in my little Glass Box,
And I was thinking 'There is likely no reason anymore,
no reason anymore for al Queda to kill me now'.

After that I felt Total Awareness of the Situation setting in.
And I just started moving all those weapons,
All those weapons outside my Glass Box.
And sometimes they were dropped, just when I asked for this.

The Total Awareness told me:
'Speed up, just speed up man!'
And now I go faster than any bullet on this planet,
And now I can only die from the internal energy as found in my little Glass Box.


The above is the poem of Total Awareness of The Situation that brings Clarity to my Glass Box...

Title: And you keep on moving all those weapons, and then you drop them.

End of this days writing, no Media report. Till next update.


15 & 16 July 2003: Not much of any interest done by me, sorry. Also there is no Media report made because the quotes I would like to place are not found again, what a pity. (The quotes were about Iraqi people who started clapping every time an American soldier was attacked and stuff like that...)

So sorry, nothing to this day. Bye&till next update. And by the way, why not try to think a bit with light? Just like I often asked in the first parts of this long story...

Title: Peace is hell from only '16 words'? Fuck you fake journalism...

Oh, oops stuff around. Now it is actually 16 July but with some little Google news search I found the quotes back I wanted to have. Very handy that Google news, just type in 'killed clap' and the article was found back. It is from Time magazine and has the title A soldiers life. And now we tunnel into the Media report:

Media report to 16 July 2003: A soldiers life or a dogs life? That is the question. We start quoting in 2 seconds:
By and large, when the soldiers of Operation Iraqi Freedom complain, it is not about the scorpions and tarantulas they must evict from their boots as they dress in the morning; not about 110*none heat that requires extra changes of T shirts so their sweat does not poach their skin; and not about purified water that tastes like boiled Windex. It is about the new challenges of their mission for which they were not prepared. Like knowing how to contend with a 12- year-old girl with a rifle. How to check whether the soft-drink stand has been booby-trapped. How to capture the hearts and minds of a population that seems to be riddled with people who are trying to kill them. "It's really hard to know who your enemy is," the soldiers say, especially when bystanders clap as soldiers are killed.
Comment: This sure is history unfolding right under our eyes, clapping bystanders are something completely different than the large crowds of welcoming Iraqis that the Pentagon 
expected on the forehand.  
This is a very good coffin smelling lesson for the  Americans, right now they are only beginning to understand how deeply they are hated by how very large numbers of people over the whole of the planet and Iraq in particular.

On the contrary there still are large numbers of people found inside the USA who truly think they are hated only because they 'love freedom'. I have thought around this from upside till downside from the back to the front and from the right to the left and all back, but I simply cannot understand such stupid crap.
'We are hated because we love freedom'.... They stand beside reality in many ways, that is a fact. That is a fact...
Proceed quoting:
According to Coffin family members and U.S. government officials looking into the case, Coffin's vehicle ran off Route 8 at about 8 a.m. Iraqi time on July 1—perhaps to avoid an Iraqi vehicle barreling directly toward it. "We understood it might have been a kamikaze-type thing," Candy says. Once the vehicle was in a 



Title: Please journalists; face the consequences of standing beside reality.

ditch, it was swarmed by an angry Iraqi crowd. A humvee traveling behind pulled over to try to help Chris Coffin and his comrade, 19, who were both badly hurt, but all four soldiers were quickly surrounded by the crowd and the humvee was set on fire.
It took a third American team rushing in, firing rifles into the air, to scatter the crowd and rescue the four trapped soldiers.

Comment: If this does not demonstrate abundantly the enormous amount of hate within the Iraqi population then what else is needed for this? Could this be the hate against freedom?
Hate against the freedom to enforce economical sanctions via the United Nations?
Could this be some echo of those one million Iraqi civilians that died from those economical sanctions? 

Now we think back on the (recent) behavior of the USA against companies from 'anti war' countries that were completely not allowed to take any part whatsoever into the rebuilding of Iraq. This was very very arrogant, because after my humble opinion it are the Iraqis who are 

the people that could exclude companies and/or entire countries.
And now, only 10 weeks further down the timeline we have this (quote from the same article):

Casualties have now reached a level such that the Senate passed a resolution on Thursday, 97 to 0, calling on the White House to get over whatever arguments it is having with NATO, the U.N. and the rest of the world and get our soldiers more help on the ground. "We will get a lot more support from the Iraqis, who will be a lot less suspect of us, if we are not the only game in town," said Delaware Democrat Joseph Biden.

Comment: Of course the Americans expect the French and the German and Russian army to come and help... If you ask me, you only make a fool of yourself if you seriously try to get help from those countries.
As said before; Many parts of the war on terror are a big lie. And many details surrounding (the start) of Gulf War II also. Journalists do your work and let the truth come out or face the consequences of standing beside reality.



Now we are at the end of the writings to 15 July (although in reality it is already 16 July around here). Love you all, except for that canton judge of course. Please local judge take the last letter from Monday serious, in the letter I simply explain to you that I will write a full 30 'extra deaths' into the story if you do not what I asked you to do.
Sorry if I sound arrogant too, but this Dutch government had time enough. And now time is gone for them, they have to face the consequences of their own behavior too. Bye readers.

Title: Who did this to the building of the canton judge? Who?

17 July 2003: Now I am in some writers block, so much could be written the number of subjects is simply large. There is no reason to name them all explicitly, the list is endless... Therefore I will try to keep some little communication via some pics.

The first picture (and title of course) is some requote from above, see 13 July for this in detail.
Quoting from 13 July:

Title: Sleep well journalists, and love the Matrix you are in. Just love it.
UnderTitle: Shall I ask for the return of the NightmareOnWallStreet?

So far for 13 July 2003, now we look at some other picture and in case you take the time to analyze this picture in full detail with a lot of expert people at the scene you could find out that the content of the pic is just a bit a lie...
And after you have found the little lie in it, you understand the lie is not for real. At first the work, one could call this WarArt but who am I to classify this kind of art as being WarArt? 

Title: The power of poetry; And life goes on.

As said before; the list of 'write-able-subjects' is simply infinitely long right now. It is all a bit big, the subjects come in big numbers. So satisfied I am with the local improvements of the so called 'cyber war' (no details of course), so satisfied I feel with the proceedings of the One Million demon, but as life goes on there is dissatisfaction too;

But this is not the time to make many files and stories to express the exact nature of my dissatisfaction, this is a time of axing again. This time I hope that the local government feels this axe in some parts and that is what I have to say on this subject on this day. 


18 July 2003: Ah, what a pity. What a pity, that surface-to-air towards that 'C 130' numbered plane did miss. According to a Pentagon source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, this was the second miss (probably I 'missed' the first strike in the Media files, a pity too...).

Of course it could be one or more planes are hit properly, but of course no (American) journalist would report such a thing. This would only be a blow to morale and much more dangerous this could be interpreted as being 'anti patriotic'. And these days when Americans are told they are behaving 'anti patriotic' they more or less get the same treatment as Germans accused of the same matter in the years 1935 to 1940.
Oh oh, being patriotic and bringing love to the 'Power and the Glory' is so important to the American society of so called 'Freedom Lovers'. So important, it just makes or it breaks your life and your career. Of course I do not say that this is only cowardly behavior, I know how the rabbits run. And I like to keep the rabbits running if you know what I mean.

Title: 'The result to' & 'The axiom of' being cowardly in nature.

Yes American journalism why are you that very cowardly? Look at all those CNN ads, like 'Being first to know' or 'Credibility is our thing' and even 'Insight to the real events'. You make just a fool of yourself and there is only little difference found with this particular administration. Fools is what you are, why do you not try to adopt to the real and present situation? Why? What is your problem anyway? Need more grow hormone injections and not call this drugs? 

Look at your soldiers fake American journalists, how many are on those growing hormones? Fake is your name and fake is your game. End of this day, let Opera 7 rule while some small part of Opera 5 is the above picture know as the nine eleven atrocities.

And a little Media report to this day (well actually only a few words from the vice (holy) President of the beloved virgin under the name of USA under the name of Cheney).

Media report to 18 July 2003: Now I just have read those very wise words of this vice president. And tears are in my eyes, why the hell did I just never ever make it to the other side? You know, the right side the side that loves freedom so much? I have a deep confession to make, I love freedom too... I really do, now we read the lovely quotes from the Holy Dick:
Then came the events of September 11th -- a day that I don't think any of us will ever forget, when suddenly we understood how vulnerable we were as a nation.
I'll never forget that day, Friday after the attack, when the President went to Ground Zero in New York. And you may remember he stood up on a pile of rubble there with a bullhorn in his hand. And to the men in hard hats who were working there to try to clean up and deal with the crisis, he said to them, after they had expressed the sentiment they couldn't hear him, he responded back. He said, "I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the people who knocked down these buildings will soon hear from all of us." 

Comment; Oh though Holy Dick, you wise man. You must be right and all those evil people that did bring down those buildings will shake in fear. Of course I have no fear because in fact I have nothing to do with this all. Nothing, just nothing 

and we are only 22 months further down the so called time line my Holy Dick. 

By the way, my dearest of Holy Dicks, what is your individual opinion upon the next phrase:

Suppose I would have some kind of real timeline, would it be wise to include some real crap every now and then to avoid so called judicial shit? Yes or no?

But when you truly want a nuke on the Pentagon, is this still a wise way of behaving too?

Let me be honest, I know the answers to these questions not. All I know is every thing I write comes out, and I want this nuke on that particular place my dear Dick. I just want it, and therefore I write this again and again and after that it will be delivered I just guess. I just guess my dear Dick, I just guess.
Now the last quote from Dick:
This is a new posture for our nation, one that recognizes that defense is not enough. The problem with terrorist organizations is that even if you build defenses that are 99 percent successful, the 1 percent that gets through can kill you.
And that is it for this day. 

End of Media report.  



Title: Is it true that the penis is still two inches smaller my dear Dick?
UnderTitle: Is it true that Osama is dead for some time already? I don't care Dick.

No no dear Dick, I do not care and with this kind of wisdom it could be nice to look upon the next update. So till next update in this long long story encircling reality and encircling history. 


19 July 2003: Only a small Media report on this day, after that some statistics lesson. Don't worry, only simple and very basic statistics will be at the scene as found in every standard text handbook on the testing of some so called (zero) hypothesis:  
Media report to 19 July 2003: Good and nice news found, this is the way it just works at the so called StillNotBlackHouse I guess. Quote (found on Time mag, journalists are Matthew Cooper, Massimo Calabrese and John F. Dickerson):
Former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson raised the Administration's ire with an op-ed piece in The New York Times on July 6 saying that the Administration had "twisted" intelligence to "exaggerate" the Iraqi threat. Since then Administration officials have taken public and private whacks at Wilson, charging that his 2002 report, made at the behest of U.S. intelligence, was faulty and that his mission was a scheme cooked up by mid-level operatives.  

Comment: This is history unfolding again, this is beauty, this is 'cooked up by mid-level operatives'. Oh oh, shall I requote that old article from just before the start of Gulf War II in which so many depressed intelligence figures had wisdom to share? No, why should I? This kind of stuff is going on for a long time already and it will go on much longer... 

More good info on the so called 'yellowcake road' is found. Quoting on (source of this is lost by me, sorry): 
A four-star general, who was asked to go to  

Niger last year to inquire about the security of Niger's uranium, told the Washington Post on Monday that he came away convinced the country's stocks were secure. The findings of Marine Gen. Carlton Fulford were passed up to Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff -- though it was unclear whether they reached officials in the White House.

In an interview, Fulford said he came away ``assured'' that the supply of ``yellowcake'' was kept secure by a French consortium. Both Fulford, then deputy regional commander of the U.S. European Command, and his commander, Air Force Gen. Joseph Ralston, said the issue did not surface again, although they were routinely briefed on weapons proliferation in Africa. ``I was convinced it was not an issue,'' Fulford said.

Comment: Very interesting, no comments of course. Only Meatball wisdom needs quoting:
White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said the information about uranium played no role in the decision to attack Saddam.

But my dear Meatball, what were the reasons then? Please name a few, or name them all (but for the last you are just to cowardly I estimate...)



So far the Media report, of course we do not ask the Holy Meatball what those '16 words' (that have nothing to do with the reasons for going to war against Iraq) had to do in the State of the Union anyway. May be the reason those 16 words were completely unimportant is the very reason they had to enter the State of the Union is a smart way out for you.... Bye Meatball (enjoy your future, I hope your saying with 'I will start an advisory company with only very little customers' will come out). That is what I hope, very few&little customers... ;)


Brr, how evil I feel. With just a few words making all future works of the dear Meatball without any success whatsoever... Yes, there are prices upon lying and prices need to be paid in general. So Meatball enjoy the next statistics:


Statistical question: Is the situation in Iraq different after 01 May 2003 when 
you only have the next data?

Data set 1) A 3rd Division soldier had been killed Friday when his vehicle drove over "an improvised explosive device" west of Fallujah, according to a military public affairs officer in Baghdad.

Data set 2) Ninety U.S. troops have died in Iraq since President Bush declared an end to major combat operations May 1, including 34 in hostile action. In all, 227 U.S. troops have been killed in the war with Iraq, 149 of them in hostile action.

Answer: Data set 1 looks very interesting, but can not be used in some statistical way. Therefore we skip set 1 and use set 2 to make the following (simple) table:

Observed data Accidents Hostile Totals
Before 1 May 2003
22 115
56 34
After 1 May 2003
78 149

We will make use (of course) of the very simple so called Chi square test that could tell if there is a connection between the two variables (cause of death versus place in time) yes or no. Are the two variables independent or is there some kind of (vague) dependency? The expected data (under the hypothesis of being independent) are:

Expected data Accidents Hostile Totals
Before 1 May 2003
47 90
31 59
After 1 May 2003
78 149

Under the assumption of independency the so called 'Chi square' number is expected to be low (look into any basic statistical text if you do not understand me right now). In this case the Chi square number is over 50 and statisticians often say that in such a case the assumption of independence is very likely not for real.

So far the statistics, how to make political use of this simple stuff? Let me give you two examples of possible political use of this. Lets call it the 'White House reaction' from Meatball and the 'Reinko reaction':

  • White House; According to Ari Fleischer these data show clearly that the President was completely in the right when he declared ending of serious combat on May one. Also the President understands that the American public will understand that there will be casualties to be taken until American democracy has freed all nations on this planet. The President his thoughts are with all the families of the 227 American heroes that made the ultimate sacrifice, he said: 'I hear you and the world hears you, you will not be forgotten.'
  • Reinko says; It is a bit strange the daily amount of accidental deaths is declining so slowly. While war there was just over 1 accidental death a day. And after major combat was over we have approximately 56/80 = 0.7 deaths on a daily basis according to 'accidents'.  

Title: The Evil & the Holy beating the Power & the Glory (with a baby nuke)?

22 July 2003: This day I simply feel so very very evil, no idea why but I feel evil. Just plain bolded evil&with a little smile on my lips I just have to challenge again the official version of the space shuttle break down. The more details emerge the more likely it becomes that it could be that the crew perfectly knew what would happen when they returned to earth.
But if they perfectly knew what would happen, why did they do it? Could it be they could not resist the wisdom as found in the next few words; 'We make the world watch at prime time at prime numbers.'?
This is not completely impossible, after all the captain of the crew sometimes just did wonder 'What would Jesus do?' And that is a very wise question, very wise. Would Jesus allow that the lying bastards from the StillNotBlackHouse could come away with it again and again? And again, and again and just keep on lying?
And what is the first beast anyway? That beast that constantly utters all kinds of blasphemies against the AllMighty, the beast that even says 'I am Gods own country!'. 

Title: The slimiest of slime under attack in some other Gods own country.

It was read that in two days the 'final' report on nine eleven 2001 is ready to be presented to the proper authorities. That is a big disappointment to me, I simply hoped upon some contacts so some info could be exchanged. This is not observed by me so I simply have to share the next info with you; Right now we are in week nr eleven of the second wave of 15 months of attacks against the US of A.


Shall I make a little fun of IQ43? Why not? Here we go:
Yesterday I saw the Holy President of Gods own country on the telly, as always the leader was very self confident and he spoke more of less the next words:
'In Iraq the remnants of the Baath regime are attacking us via terror methods.'
And he shrugged his shoulders like 'It is no big deal.' Just like that.

My comment upon this is as follows:
On the one hand these kind of attacks bring fundamental good feelings to me. So many people learn so much upon how to attack the American military in sharp detail, this knowledge will accumulate and good writers will write down good lessons. And when these writers do a good job (remark; this is not my job!) this kind of attacks simply will go on after this all is over. It will go on in the heartlands, may be not on a '12 attacks a day' basis but there is good hope for the oceans of time to come.

And on the other hand my dear IQ43, may be you do not know this, but when I gave permission to the US of A to start a war against Iraq this was only done to end the economical sanctions. And given the present proliferation of power on this planet the only way to end those sanctions were via a war against Iraq, that was the only way. 
Now the economical sanctions are lifted, but economical progress could be better. 

On the third hand my dear but stupid IQ43, I would like to ask you why remote control explosive devices are 'terror' and why American (coalition) air power is 'legal'? Since when are attacks against soldiers classified as 'terror'? You are only looking in the mirror of your own behavior my dear boy, just like the Israelis do for so long by the way.  

Now I will stop my speaking against IQ43, why do this when you never get any kind of normal feedback in return? After all, the relevance of IQ43 is doubted by me before, and mostly the happenings in real life events did indeed express the 'not so relevant' nature of this guy. Or am I wrong on this? May be, but now we look at very very simple WarArt, again from the Hamra compound scene:

Title: The beast spoke its blasphemies for 42 months my dear IQ43.

And another one in these very simple series:

Title: The old DDR-Trabant is nothing compared to this car.

What a lot of pictures to this days writing, but we are not finished yet. After the above mentioned works you are allowed to take a little look in the kitchen of Nightmare power. Lets make a little story of it, here we go:


Tringg, the doorbell goes. Reinko walks to the door and opens it, it is Arty! 'Hey Arty, long time yo see!' Reinko said. (Reinko looks happy to see Arty again).

Arty; 'No, don't you see I am dressed as the Nightmare? The NightmareOnWallStreet? We do this scene over, this was not good!' (Reinko is a bit disappointed, but now he looks clearly with clarity he sees that Arty has some strange kinky tshirt with all kinds of little graphs on it. They look just like the graphs on those websites of the so called 'big markets'. Ok , scene over, take 2 and action!:)


Tringg, the doorbell goes. Reinko walks to the door and opens it, it is the Nightmare! The NightmareOnWallStreet! 'Hey Arty, long time yo see!' Reinko said. (Reinko looks happy to see the Nightmare again).

Arty; 'No, do not name me Arty please. The readers aren't supposed to know, another try please...'

(Reinko was getting bored over this, well ok just another try, take 3 and action!:)

Tringg, the doorbell goes. Reinko walks to the door and opens it, it is Arty! 'Hello Nightmare, long time yo see!' Reinko said. (Reinko looks happy to see Arty again).


The editor comes shouting in: 'Holy Moses! What shit is this now again Reinko? Now all people reading the script still know that Arty is the Nightmare.... What stupid movie players you two are, I just quit this job, sorry but bye bye!' (And the editor walks away with big steps leaving Reinko, Arty and the Nightmare confused behind.)

Reinko says: 'What to do now? Now the editor is gone and the director too.'

Arty: 'No problem, look I have the stuff right here. It are two pictures that abundantly demonstrate how the nightmare operates. Look my first click was on 14.20 hours, see what always happens after a click Reinko.' (And Reinko takes some time to look at the two pics, he is amazed, how is this possible?) 

Title: Before and after the second click on 15.50 hours.

Reinko (with amazement in his voice): 'So you actually say that every time you click a bit around in the website of the Nasdaq that stocks fall down? How is this possible?'

Arty says: 'Hey that is a good question, you know I never thought about it. It just happens, it works...'

Reinko: But this can only work if there are some folks out there that can identify the clicks you make on the internet, isn't that scary? On my computer this will never work because I ordered at Essent retail BV that the internet traffic had to be guarded. 

Arty: No no, now you must surely make a few complaints at the address of Essent retail BV because I made these yesterday on your computer man.'

Reinko: 'Shit shit shit, yes Essent retail BV is also responsible for the bomb blast from Kabul from lately. But very likely they will try to avoid payments to the families of the dead soldiers and the Afghan boy. What to do now?' (And suddenly the editor comes back while shouting:)

Editor: 'Ho stop! Nobody is supposed to know this all! Please stop this Reinko, stop this!'

Reinko: 'Ok, if that is what you want.'

Arty: 'Oh, sorry editor but Sesame asked me to tell Reinko that a 'big one' was in the make, can I tell him please?'

Editor: 'No, don't you get it? The Americans are reading this too!' (And suddenly Arty and Reinko did shot up their big mouthes, the Americans are reading this too! Oh oh, what would happen next?)


Title: Before and after the second click on 15.50 hours.

Yes, what would happen next. You see a bit of the devastating amount of power I have? Just two clicks, one on 14.20 hours and the latest 10 minutes before closing of the big markets....
And that is the way the NightmareOnWallStreet works, simple and efficient. All in all I consider this Nightmare power a rather small power, please read the extra text to this day and look at the end for the so called 'device'. If the device is for real and if you know what this device is than you understand that into this simple device more power is balled together than in all nuclear arsenals in this world.

And therefore I think it is rather normal for me to recite for a nuke on the Pentagon. And one day I will have my nuke, there is no denying this. Till some other update my dear readers, sell well. 


24 July 2003: So much could be said upon details emerging from the so called 'final' report to the nine eleven atrocities. But since there are so very many people involved having all their own kind of knowledge to view at world events I will take my time to study interesting details of the parts of this report that are not 'classified'. All there is left to say is the even a lot of republican party members say that is it relatively unwise to classify so much because in time truth will come out. And to my humble opinion they are right, this is not the Kennedy shootout or so. The nine eleven atrocities are much much better found back in so many electronic devices people use these days, so wisdom is that in the long run the liars from the White House will not come away with it. They won't, and that is all I have to say on this particular subject this day (but in some ways this is still the 'main subject' and that is a fact). 

We go to the Media report:

Media report to 24 July 2003: Is life really just a big river of tears? No it isn't, I know most of you think right now that I will comment upon the 'final' nine eleven report but I won't. I will demonstrate the life is not a river of tears, anyway not around where I live because I found the next info. And I just had to laugh, this is so beautiful. Found on the Cincinnati Post, written by Kimball Perry. Quotes:

Porn case film puts juror to sleep

Judge declares a second mistrial

The video that Hamilton County Sheriff Simon Leis Jr. thought was so disgusting that Shawn Jenkins was arrested for selling it had a different impact on a juror Tuesday -- it put him to sleep.
The sleeping juror and at least two others who averted their eyes when the video was played caused the judge to declare a mistrial today, the second mistrial in this case.

Hamilton County Common Pleas Court Judge Richard Niehaus sent the 12 jurors and one alternate sitting on Jenkins' pandering obscenity case home early Tuesday, then told them today the trial was over.
"Justice is blind to the influence of bias and prejudice but justice cannot be blind to the evidence," Niehaus said today in throwing the case out. 

Both Jenkins' attorneys and assistant prosecutor Brad Greenberg complained Tuesday after the video -- Maximum Hardcore Extreme, Vol. 7 -- that the male juror was sleeping during its showing while an elderly female often averted her eyes from scenes.

Comment: I cannot say I fainted from laughing when reading this perfect news, but my smiles were broad, they were broad. Oh oh, that would be some nice movie script '1000 ways to fail a court case'. 

Shall I tell when I fainted from laughing the last time? That was on a Saturday afternoon the day after we returned from a little camping trip in the German landscape. And I looked a few minutes telly and on the telly was General Powell the secretary of State from the US of A.
And General Powell told stuff like 'Because of the broad vision of the President the Hamas & company did decide to give up there weapons and now there is a truce.'
Yes, this is when I had to laugh hard. On 12 June I had some stupid court case that could hurt me very serious, on 11 June the last 'busload' of Israelis was observed (thank you Hamas by the way). And more or less one week later the truce did set in, but this was only written on the conto to the broad vision of the Holy IQ43.

That was a good joke Collin, a good one. 



Title: Yes Simon Leis Jr.; This is so disgusting....

Oh oh Simon Leis Jr. according to my humble opinion you will be laughed at even when you are in the elderly home many years from now. You are even more stupid than that Holy President of yours, arrest someone for selling a video with only some speculum stuff in it... You are for sure the fool of 24 July 2003.

Now I would like to proceed with the so called 'NightmareOnWallStreet kind of fun'. A few days ago I explained how this Nightmare 'works'. This kind of working only needs a few clicks on the right time I told you, that is a bit of a lie because it takes much more but we now only look at detail nr 02. Detail nr 02 is as follows:

The moment I observed the news that the two Saddam sons were killed (good job by the way, this saves me the trouble of writing that story called 'The punishment for Saddam and Sons'...) I instantly understood that at this very moment I had to stand beside the American people. And therefore I did not click in the most important website to the so called 'big markets'. No no, I am a very humble men in case you did not know this by now. Let US look at the graphical result of carefully 'not clicking' for some days, these pics were found a few minutes after the closing of the big markets by the way:

Title: On 23 July I did not have the nerve to click the big markets, I was humble.

Yes, I was just a bit humble for just a day. But please look a bit at this beautiful art above and ask yourselves the next question: 'Could it really be true that everything is interconnected and therefore we still have not some economical recovery whatsoever because Reinko is still a little bit mad at this White House filled with lying bastards?'
What a difficult question this is, but in case you would like to ask me this question is rather real. I know how the rabbits run and I simply do not allow for any economical recovery if you know what I mean.

And after these wise words we can tunnel into the second part of the Media report files, this time Wolfy is observed. Wolfy is the second rank civilian to the military department of the USA. My vision upon Wolfy is well known, he is not the so called 'salt in the soup'. Lets leave it with that.

The deputy Wolfy to the SilverBullet did visit the Iraqi landscape for four days. A lot was noticed but since I am the man that will transform the military on this planet for ever I simply quote the next words from Wolfy (quotes found on CNN, the company that brings you the info so you are the 'first to know'...):
"I believe this will go down as the first guerrilla tactic in history in which contract killings, killings for hire, going out and soliciting young men for $500 to take a shot at an American, was the principal tactic employed," he said.

Comment: Wow wow Wolfowitz this sure is history unfolding. Your analysis is very interesting, in case you would like to ask me I could do this same job for just 30 American dollars a soldier into the Afghan landscape.
But may be offering 30 Euro is better because in the long run they will have more value, and may be I simply could ask for Dutch killed soldiers just as easily.

But my dear Wolfy, I simply won't search for the limits of so called asymmetric warfare. These limits are found by me a long time ago, just look at the 'two clicks' work found above at date 22 July 2003.

There is more to say on this subject, I will not recite easily against Dutch soldiers in foreign countries but when the moment is there that local so called 'Bali-bang-bang soup' is ripe to consume it will be there. But no predictions upon local future stuff, we quote on nice history:

"There's been a lot of talk that there was no plan. There was a plan" he said Wednesday in a briefing to reporters after returning from his inspection tour.

But, he added, "as any military officer can tell you, no plan survives first contact with reality,"

That is wisdom, my plans often fail too...



Yes yes, my plans often fail too. If you would have asked me I simply expected local Bali-bang-bang soup a long time ago. But it is still not here. On the other hand there was such a beautiful blast against the slimiest of slimy worms into the Saudi landscape, just when I asked for 'stuff'. So the man who often writes on terror attacks says: The localization in time is relatively sharp right now, but the localization in space still not...


At the end of just a day of so called 'work' I would like to share with you the result of 'many clicks'. Actually the clicks are not really many, but only every hour or every half hour. This is the way reality reacts, look at it and do your thinking. Just think, just think and still know I feel humble. 

Title: Many clicks this day, but what is still standing at the end of the day?

End of this day of hard work. And I even forget to ask at the Cyber War Mongers to make some good cyber war at the local GAK. These days it is known under the name of CWI, but it is simply in Groningen and just please attack the person (or the bunch of persons) under the name of C16 at the ww-department.
The guy thinks that I do not 'work', please correct this view... 


25 July 2003: This morning I finally did spoil myself, three months ago I saw her for the first time but I simply refused to pay that ridiculous amount of money for her. She is a blackie, she is. But she looked so beautiful to me and she did not leave my mind.
But this morning I just had to spoil myself and I did count down the money for her, she is black and now I own her... Now I own her and after a few hours already I just started to love her, and she even is a real mark! A trade mark and she is a blackie... And she swings so good and her tongue is so sharp, just so sharp and so fresh.

In case you do not understand the above poetry, the 'she' is a brand new black painted axe of 800 gram. The price proved that a lot of economical theory is truly ridiculous because the price of this 800 gram axe is exactly 19.29 Euro (included 19 percent consumer tax on the axe). 
According to me a price of 4, may be 5, Euro would be a reasonable price but on the other hand I understand you just cannot apply the economical theory of bread upon axes. No, in reality there are indeed people observed paying far to much for too little real value. And may be this kind of behavior is one of the roots to the present distribution of wealth upon this little planet, it is simply the (stupid) ways that richies behave that contributes to the 'stability' of the present world economical system. The concept of the so called 'revolution' does not fall out of the skies or so, this could lead to a serious wipe out of a lot of rich people that do not multiply wealth fast enough. 

Lets recall the simple law of terror that calculates the maximum number of 'morally allowed' terror victims from 'economical problems' via the next example:
Suppose you live in a poor country and in this country the average lifespan is rather low, and suppose further you have chosen the path of retaliation and therefore you need some goals to be set. Goals like the number of wiped out people.
In that case you simply collect as much data as you can for a long time, and you try to estimate how many years of life are wept away because of your lack of access to the international economy. (Name this X or so.) After that you divide this total by the average lifespan of members of your own country or the average lifetime of members of the country 'under attack' (read America and friends). (Name this Y or so, so Y = X / 45 or Y = X / 75 as some 'attack value'.)
After this you apply the 'one to thousand rule' that means that the maximum of (terror) retaliation is set at M = Y / 1000 (Remark that this M is only the root to the economical problems a country is facing, there could be other stuff at the scene too. Like the Liberia troubles that are emerging lately). 

After this simple law (that I would like to bring to the attention of the upcoming WTO conference in September or so) it is time to proceed with more of that 'moral stuff'. And we do this into the so called Media report, but before we do this I would like to ask to you to take into your mind the next 'character':

A Palestine men of 23 years of age gets a visit from some old friend. 'Hey can I sleep here during the night?' and stuff like that. After the night the friend goes and some time later the 23 year old suddenly gets arrested. According to proper authorities the 23 year old had blood at his hands and just could not be set free although it was not possible to make any charges against him..
And the 23 year old men said; 'I did not know my friend would do this, I did not know' & stuff like that. And may be this 23 year old is simply telling the truth and may be he is a smart lying bastard. This all is not relevant to that what is known as Opera Seven, what relevant is to this strange Seven is the next detail: What happens to (Israeli) soldiers who did stuff like this? (Stuff like in the Media report below?)

Media report to 25 July 2003: Yes, what did happen to all those Israeli soldiers over all those years. Where is so called 'statistical wisdom' found? Not here, but we have this 'sample' to some interesting statistic under investigation right now. Quoting:
JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israel Defense Forces, on patrol in a West Bank village near Jenin, mistakenly killed a Palestinian boy and wounded two girls, Israeli military sources said.

The military sources said, "From an initial investigation, an IDF patrol that was on a regular assignment in the village of Barta'a shot a round of machine gun fire as a result of an operational error.
"As a result, one Palestinian boy was killed and two Palestinian girls were injured. The injured girls were taken to a hospital in Israel.

"The IDF expresses sorrow and regret over the tragic incident and has opened an extensive investigation."

Comment: The follow up of details like this is so often lost into the so called Media files. So I simply do not have any statistical insight in the 'blood on hands problem'. So Israel does come away with this very lucky and she is capable of solving this little question herself. And Israel knows I like a bit of speed in this all, so speed up please! Speed up please... 



And that's it for this day. What could I say at the end of this day? All I say is; 'Sell well and I won't publish the pics'. That is all I say but what will happen tomorrow? (End of 25 July 2003)

(But the end-pic is saved on Saturday 26 July and published right now, this is some nice pic because who knows how many clicks I made on this day into the websites of the big markets? Who knows but carefully doesn't tell?) 

Title: Many clicks this day (before 14.00); but the Nightmare, is it broken?


26 July 2003: Oops, what did happen yesterday? Is the Nightmare suddenly broken? This is a very bad development, really true. I did a lot of clicking in the naughty naughty markets but they refused to break down, how is this possible?
May be I should not have written those words with 'create wealth' or may be I was not mad at America for just one day. Who knows, even I don't know. All I know I had some big fun and at some point in time yesterday I just looked at the behavior of my computer and may be all I was thinking was 'How do they do it?'. Just like the SilverBullet was saying a long time ago with his 'How does he do it?' 

Today is my birthday so I would like to keep the writing to this day rather short. I will give you one more insight into the kitchen of the Nightmare. This time we will take a little look with much detail upon the sharp stock declines as we have seen in the Summer of 2002. 

Title: In Summer 2002 some equilibrium was found in at least two clicks a day?
UnderTitle: Many clicks yesterday (before 14.00); but the Nightmare, is it broken?  

Examples of the behavior of the Nightmare from Summer 2002, this in relatively sharp detail.

Above (in the writings to 22 July I explained to my dear readers how the NightmareOnWallStreet works in detail, all the Nightmare does is click a bit around in the websites of the big markets and after this very often stocks tumble down.)

Although this was great work to do, you can imagine that it takes simply too much time to go upon this day in day out. And after some time I came more or less into the following position:

There were days I wanted 'stocks down' and there were days when I wanted to give the 'free hand' to the markets. When I wanted stocks down that particular day I simply clicked a bit around in the websites to the big markets more or less precisely 20 minutes before opening of the big markets (so all hedge funds and other participants knew what to do).
And on 'free hand' days I waited for about one hour after opening of the big markets before I made the first clicks.

Simple and efficient and it takes just five minutes a day to keep the 'process rolling'. Or better said, at least five minutes a day because I often was curious how stuff unfolded. And please don't get me wrong, I am not a dictator or so; there have been 'free hand' days with big fall downs of stocks and there have been 'wanted down' days with big climbs. This so called 'rolling process' is some statistical law, when I made a click 20 minutes before opening and there is also some 'big company' news than it can very well be that the total amount of hedge power is outnumbered by other parties. 

But the thinner the market is the better it all works, simple and efficient. And the question of how to make the markets 'thin' is a completely different kind of question and will not be explained right here. 

So very much more could be told on the subject of how to ride the big markets, so much more but in this little 'inside the kitchen' there is mentioned enough right now. Lets put the lesson together with the next:

  • When I wanted a 'down day' I simply clicked 20 minutes before opening &
  • When I wanted a 'free hand day' I waited for about one hour after opening.

Very simple&efficient and in many ways the real limit of so called asymmetrical warfare... Or is it the limit to 'symmetrical love'? That is difficult, that looks like one of those 'known unknowns'. 

That's all folks, this is my little birthday gift for you. Just a little insight in how stuff works, and I know this sharing of insight does not bring any kind of 'power loss' to me. No no, I simply want the American (& other) stocks down back to the historical Price to Earnings ratio. And again I simply say; 'Let history unfold and sell well' (until the economical healthy goal is arrived). 

End of this day, till some other update.

Title: Be free says Martina, be free from click addition...

27 July 2003: Not much to say today, the 100th Tour the France was won by Lance Armstrong this day. On the forehand I hoped he would succeed in this '5th victory on a row' but there was also some old rule of experience 'no man can win the Tour five times on a row'. 
So Lance has beaten that old rule, that is good. Also Lance has a very lot of file against him, lets look at a few:
  • Lance is American &
  • Lance is even from Texas & on top of this all
  • He has visited Bush (ugly thing to do)

Well Lance, in case you read this, congratulations! You did it and I know a bit how it feels to cycle that far. What do you think is the limit one can cycle in some kind of contest? Is that 12 thousand kilometer in 6 weeks with only one 'resting day' every 2 weeks? Brrr, no the Tour is already crazy enough in the sense that it is far to many kilometers but could it be shorter? Could it be shorter? 
And, also just by the way and so, good catch that fall from lately. Just a good catch and you were lucky it happened uphill and so. And Lance, when you go uphill and stuff is hard, do you too think 'I am only collecting potential energy'? Or do you look at life in a different way?

Now I am thinking on cycling all kind of old memories come floating above and I ask myself 'What was most extreme for myself speaking?' This could be answered in many ways, but in some way the most extreme what I encountered was next:

At the end of a long day of cycling (with only much wind against you and lots of cold rain and so on), yes at the end of the day we could not see colors anymore.
And in the end we constantly had to stop at those traffic lights, but we figured out 'If it is the above light it must be red and the light below must be the green one'. 

So much more interesting things upon this sport of cycling (&similar sports of course) could be told but that would lead to neglect of some 'Tour the World' meaning 'How to ram the truth out of the so called White House'. And for me it is a sin of life to place only one Joule of energy into the wrong direction, so let us post al kinds of hell towards those color blind people that invented some terrific 5-colored traffic light on the map of roads...

End of day & eod gives eof & end of File 

Title: Be free says Martina, be free from click addition...

28 July 2003: We tunnel right into the Media report, at the university of Berkeley there were some people observed that refused to behave as standard Americans. They have made one of those 'meta analyses' upon lots of texts around one subject, in this case the conservative mindset. They asked themselves if there were common characteristics found that could be applied to 'conservative' mindsets through the entire history of humankind and the American history in particular. Lets quote the fun:

Four researchers who culled through 50 years of research literature about the psychology of conservatism report that at the core of political conservatism is the resistance to change and a tolerance for inequality, and that some of the common psychological factors linked to political conservatism include:

  • Fear and aggression
  • Dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity
  • Uncertainty avoidance
  • Need for cognitive closure
  • Terror management

"From our perspective, these psychological factors are capable of contributing to the adoption of conservative ideological contents, either independently or in combination," the researchers wrote in an article, "Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition," recently published in the American Psychological Association's Psychological Bulletin.

This all is very interesting, the most laughable is sure the 'Need for cognitive closure'. I never looked at conservatives this way, could this need for cognitive closure explain why there are things like 'conservative intellectuals'? Those people that constantly think they are behaving like intellectuals but only apply the rule of 'Logical reasoning is often the first derivate of emotion'? 
Of course a conservative intellectual is something like 'dry water', it is one of those contradictions as there are a lot within American conservatism. 
The latest point is also of interest, the 'Terror management'... It is indeed observed that the 'democratic selected' government of this country exploits the fears among the public, that is a fact and is observed many times by me (and hopefully by others too). 

Now we go to the development of the NightmareOnWallStreet, because lately I explained how all those big break downs from Summer 2002 emerged (I call that sometimes Fear Management) I decided that this day was a 'free hands day' for the big markets. At local time 17.00 hours (American Eastern time is 11.00 hours) I made the 'first click'. Because my computer broke down (American software of course, much to expensive and always failing right when you need it the most) I could not save the 11.00 hour picture of the DOW Jones. But this is what we have today:

Title: This is an example of a 'free hands day'.

The above pics look very normal, no strange behavior observed. And since this was a free hands day I was curios how stuff would evolve after my latest click 20 minutes before closing of the big markets. And to my surprise it went up! How is this possible, is the system learning or so?
What a strange and wonderful identity, a bunch of Americans together and they are 'learning'? That looks just as impossible as the conservative intellectual, but I have to face the facts as they are found below. Look and enjoy:

Title: This is the reaction around the 'last click', is the system learning?

That was it for this day, I still want to write more around the Palestine-Israeli stuff because I feel a bit like I neglected stuff for too long. But what can I do?
Well I could tell the Israelis they better do their stinking best to hurry things up because in some neighboring country something called the OneMillionDemon is awakening. And this demon is asking itself a few questions right now, questions like 'How did I become so big? How did it ever come to one million deaths?'

Yes Israel, once this demon realizes that the need for cognitive closure is winded up with the very existing of the state of Israel and that it all just has gone out of hand... Well Israel, I am the man that could trigger the so called third Intifada although I prefer to call this Opera Seven. And I could not do that, so it is up to you. 

Till some other update my dear readers. 


30 July 2003: This day I took some time to bring some very interesting letter to the local courthouse, finally the court session upon the 'demolishment' of the courthouse building is there. The time and date are set at 09.15 hours15 August in the year two thousand and three.
In case you would like to read the letter, it is the extra text to this day.

It is rather clear that this case has some 'showdown' potential in it, this in the sense it could be more or less 40 times as damaging as the previous one from 12 June. So this is the long expected showdown, this is the long expected clash between two different visions on that what is know as the War on Terror. So it has to be big, it has to be. 

For me it took two full days to adjust to this new situation, originally I planned no stuff for this Summer but only for the Autumn. And as the saying goes, no battle plan survives contact with reality. Well this is some American saying, my plans often do come out and sometimes completely not. After this small prelude, after this small prelude to war and to battle we proceed with big fun:


Yes, big fun observed. Please let me quote what I wrote last Friday on the homepage to this website:

(Friday 25 July 16.18 hours) This evening the White House is allowed to explain to the Palestine people what the relevance of America is in fact. I won't glide into jokes like 'Watch a bit out for Opera 7, it could be rather lethal'. No, there is no need for this, if all developments are ok than this joke is 'priced into' the 'stock market of' the international proliferation of power.
The last is a difficult way of saying 'They know what I am', but I can be very diplomatic too...

Yes, that is what I wrote. Remark the 'priced into the stock market of...' and enjoy this (found on CNN, date 29 July, CNN is the website that advertises with 'Be the first to know'.):

Washington -- Facing an outcry on Capitol Hill, the Pentagon on Tuesday killed a program that would have had investors betting on the likelihood of terrorist attacks and assassinations.
"It's going to be terminated," Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where he testified about the reconstruction effort in Iraq.
But criticism about the controversial Pentagon program -- brought to light Monday by Democratic senators -- dominated part of that hearing and others on Capitol Hill.
Wolfowitz, answering a question about the program from Sen. Barbara Boxer, D- California, defended the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which created the program and set up a Web site describing it.

Hey Wolfy, how come I am constantly on top of the news and how come that constantly in fact I am the 'first to know'? Hey Wolfy, it would be nice in case I could bet on such a market of international terror events. In that case I would bet on serious trouble around 15 August 2003, that is what I would bet. 
Dear Wolfy, why don't you take some time and look a bit at those old camera registrations in black and white with all those people telling stuff like 'No I am not a communist, I never liked the communists, I consider this as very dangerous ideas and I am American'. And compare those registrations a bit with the common so called War on Terror, and why are the Muslims constantly the beaten dog my dear Wolfy? Why? 


Now I have selected a completely new 'beaten dog', it is CNN. Just before the opening of the big markets in America I observed one of those CNN sluts saying the next (quote): The European markets are a bit higher and they are anticipating upon the likely slightly higher openings in America.
Well you good looking little CNN slut, this was nice news to me. So I made a click on the very moments the markets had to open and just look at the result my dear girl often standing outside reality. Just look at power:

Title: The story of the CNN slut and the power. And does she 'like it'?

And after some time waiting (with the previous and relatively sharp click around two o'clock) we can look at the next art (the before&after the next click after the two o'clock one):

Title: I think she likes it, yes she likes this all. But why, why?

Yes, no human on this planet could say the above two pics are not art when you once realized its content. In the Silver Bullet kind of speech one could even say that 'Live goes on'. You could say that, you could. And I would like to ask this Bullet to come on over to my side and fight together the war on terror.
And I think I am serious on this one, so take your time and do your thinking and don't you dare answering me before 15 August or so. Please don't dare, this will not fall into good grounds you know... 


(More) Media reporting to 30 July 2003: Sadness came in my heart when I read the following words. These words are from the man with the so called 'broad vision', but he is only reciting some old words again. He speaks of enemies of peace and he has a heavy desire to 'crackdown' on terrorists. Quoting:
"All parties agree that a fundamental obstacle to peace is terrorism, which can never be justified by any cause," Mr Bush said.

"I fully understand that the most effective campaign to enhance the security of Israel, as well as the security of peace-loving people in the Palestinian territories, is to get after organizations such as Hamas, the terrorist organizations that create the conditions where peace won't exist," he added.

For his part, Mr Sharon expressed concerns the month-old ceasefire between the Israelis and the militant Palestinians groups could collapse any day. 

"We are thankful for every hour of increased quiet and less terrorism, and for every drop of blood that is spared. At the same time, we are concerned that this welcome quiet will be shattered any minute as a result of the continued existence of terror organizations which the Palestinian Authority is doing nothing to eliminate or dismantle," Mr Sharon said.

Mr Sharon accused the Palestinian Authority of tolerating terror groups and not doing enough to eliminate them.

Comment; Dear Mr. Bush and dear Mr. Sharon, from those words I can clearly see you do not understand the situation you are in right now. You do not understand the characteristics of the real and present situation. 
Please do not forget that I am the man who could give the signal to a so called 'third intifada' but I am still far from doing this.
Just look at the present situation and adopt the characteristics involved please. 



So far the man with the broad vision and his Israeli friend. We proceed with Sammy, the Sammy that was constantly so very busy with his important place in history. Poor Sammy, you will burn in hell man that is a fact. Not because you are 'evil' or so but only because you are stupid and stubborn. And these two characteristics have cost the lives of far to many people, far to many Sammy. Quoting (source is lost by me):

The audiotape — the third attributed to Saddam this month — begins with a verse from the Quran.
“Even if Saddam Hussein has 100 children other than Odai and Qusai, Saddam Hussein would offer them the same way,” the voice on the tape said.
“Thank God for what he destined for us, and honored us with their martyrdom for his sake,” the speaker said in the broadcast, which was monitored in Cairo, Egypt.
The voice on the tape said it was recorded July 2003, but the exact date was not clear.
Odai, 39, and Qusai, 37, were killed July 22 in a gunbattle with U.S. troops who surrounded a villa in the northern city of Mosul, directed there by an Iraqi tipster.
The speaker called Odai’s and Qusai’s deaths “good news that is the hope of every fighter for God’s sake, as another group of noble souls of the martyrs have ascended to their creator.”

Comment: Let me finally say it, I have thought about this for about 3 to 4 months. And the result has been unchanged from the beginning. Here it is:

The responsibility for all those deaths emerging from the economical sanctions against Iraq are for about 40% the responsibility of Saddam Hussein (and the other 60% are for the 'evilizers' for the Americans by the way.)

What asshole you are Sammy, what asshole.



End of this days writing in this long story.


31 July 2003: The last day to this month, and what to write about? The list still is infinitely long and for the first time since I turned into some kind of writer I feel a little bit ashamed I did not write more this month. So I feel a bit sorry I did not write more square meters this month, sorry.
But all in all I cannot say the situation is desperate, by far I cannot say this. Good news was that this month the two rapist sons of the stupid Saddam were shot to death, this was good news. Superb news was the fact that after these shootout events the amount of daily attacks on the American army nicely stayed at 12 a day. This was superb news but sharp details are lacking on my behalf, why should I look into all kinds of time consuming details when day in day out I have the lovely news of 'One GI dead'. Or 'Two soldiers died from...' and so on.
This is superb news, every two hours one attack... These are the days of power growth and that is a fact. These are the days of the creation of a complete dual to the American military global power, these are strange days these are the days of harsh 'cognitive growth'. 

Beside global stuff that goes good there is also smaller stuff found that sure is on the so called edge. Just last Friday I told the White House they had the opportunity to show that they are relevant to the Mideast process. According to my humble opinion they failed harsh, they failed harsh. Only the old verses were recited, verses like 'we need to crack down on the terror structure'. Verses like 'we have to fight the enemies of peace', thank you Mr. Bush. Thank you my dear shithead, you will be given just one week to correct stuff like this and in case you think the raising of your 200 million bucks is more important... Well, I only say I will keep a little eye on you, I will.

And the smallest of stuff is the question 'And how am I doing?'. Many details could be told, let me skip the most. But interesting is that I am slowly losing my fear of making new friends in the sense I am losing the fear of 'they will arrest all and every one' kind of fear. So this is good for me. But other stuff is bad for me, for example lately some folks came upon my way. And these folks invited me for some courthouse session on 15 August at 09.15 hours.
What a pity, these folks are under the great White House spell of that official version of the so called War on Terror, this is very interesting but the people in question do not understand the 'showdown nature' of this. A pity, and this pity has to be written in blood, sorry. But you wanted blood you will get blood.
After all this 15 August invitation is some clash between two vision on this War on Terror, it all is very simple. Very simple; the White House is in the right or I am in the right. Simple or not? But is it efficient?  ;) 

Title: The White House is in the right or I am in the right. That is clarity.

No update on the NightmareOnWallStreet stuff, I will not take the time to place some pics of that. But if you want to know, 10 minutes before closure of the markets I made the first click. So this was a so called 'free hand day' and in case you are interested into details, take a look yourself. After all, in the long run one could ask what the relevance of the entire US of A is anyway. Just six months of 'economical sanctions' from the rest of this planet and they are finished, just finished. Remember the last raise in that 5-color terror warning system, it was taken down after 10 days and do you know why? Because the states could not pay for the extra costs anymore and that was why.

And now at the end of Part XXIII of this story I could emphasize again that I am a very humble person, in fact there are a lot of weeks observed that I have to come along with something like 20 to 40 Euro. To an Afghan soldier this might look like a lot of money but in fact you can only buy basic living supplies from this around here.
But this burden is easily taken by me when I constantly enjoy the wisdom found in 'one attack every two hours'.
And CENTCOM says 'There is no problem because there is not central coordination in these attacks'. That is what CENTCOM says, do you believe this nice wisdom?
In case you would ask me I would say words like 'If this can be done in Iraq why not on a global scale?' That is what I would say my dear centcom. Because you have to face the facts too, there are around 480 thousand US army troops and in 120 countries around this world there are around 369 thousand constantly applied....

And these are the last words of part 23, please remember the showdown date as found on 15 August (in two weeks yes). So please follow the Media files around the planet on this nice date.  

Title: Slam or be slammed, but is there mercy? I think there is none.
ThunderTitle: This goes also for the Dutch military in Iraq until Showdown date.










Title to work below: Self writing stories??  








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