Power analysis around the 9/11 theme.

Here are some questions:


The 19 hijackers did not have any criminal records or so, they never have had much 'training for the job'. (But I have seen files that told that some of them have gone actually to the Afghan landscape and did some training there, this does not take away the argument; why and how?) So how did these people come to their actual behavior? What motivated the main players, the so called 'brains' under those 19 folks?

Also nice to ask; Why do the Americans completely neglect a rather good hypothesis that could explain a lot of details rather well? What interest does the USA have in this neglecting? 



Power analysis around the 9/11 theme;

And here some answers:


We start with a quote made by the Holy President of the US of A. Here we go:  

'We face an enemy -- an enemy the likes of which we've never seen before, an enemy without a government, an enemy that's tried to hijack a great religion, an enemy that is so evil that those of us in America can't possibly comprehend why they do what they do. But it will be an enemy that will be defeated', he said.

This quote was made on 7 Nov 2001, please remark the 'cannot comprehend why they do what they do' and again may I ask you: Do you really think the Holy President was talking about Osama only?
And if 'yes', why do you think that?
And do you agree with me that the 'Why they do what they do' kind of label could be sticked towards the developments of Gulf War II too? Or do you think Gulf War II was only about finding WMD?  


Now we try to answer the questions a bit, how did a platoon of 19 inexperienced people come upon this behavior?
Let me try to answer the 'brain part' of this, also remark that Hamburg is rather close to where I live; May be at first they simply liked me because I broke all traffic rules there are and simply posted it on the internet without hiding my identity (but I do not know if they could read Dutch). Read the Dream pages for an explanation. 
Then came those horrible provocative pages, remark that this story was designed to make each and every Muslim man just mad as hell. I designed it this way (because I was mad as hell myself).

After that came the 'perfect' Arty comes out of the Void story, and if you would ask me the nine eleven atrocities are some kind of copy of that little story. There is so much more to say on this, but we go to the next question.


What is the interest of America in neglecting a rather well developed hypothesis? What is the so called 'American interest' in this?

I have broken my head over this, because the so called 'hypothesis' is so simple to understand. A very important source is found in the American way of looking in the world and dividing this in good and evil. They do this on all kinds of levels, from entire countries to individual people.
And to the Americans it was clear that what happened on eleven September was 'evil' and therefore the hypothesis of Mr. R. Venema simply was not of any interest. Not of any interest because this hypothesis makes the happenings more logical and that is not in line with the 'evil ness'. 

Beside this there is religion involved, the fact that the hypothesis of Mr. R. Venema could ease the burden of the present hate between the main religions is not very handy to the White House. The religion of the World Leader was under attack and therefore this (Christian) religion had to defend itself. And all that did not fit within this broad vision was neglected. Simply neglected.

There is also a military component involved. Right from the beginning it was clear that the American society 'had' to act in some military way. In the first few weeks it was often read 'We will bomb this out, justice will be done!' 
Yes, you read this right; justice via bombs. This kind of vision was widely held among the American public. It was clear that the great military was challenged and it was also clear to give the right signal so no other parties would just ever think of trying to repeat those nine eleven attacks. 
On the Friday after nine eleven I softly whispered 'Someone else will get skinned.' (That was Osama of course, just 3 days later I already knew what the first step would be... So am I good or not?)

Beside these broad ways of the behavior of entire societies there is also simple and basic human behavior at the scene: Look at the above quote, at first the White Housing people must have classified me as being very 'evil'.  At the same time they were not capable of making some legal case against me (together with the concept of 'total awareness' I fooled them a few times of course), so what could they do?
And if they would tell a more detailed vision of the nine eleven stuff, they would have felt humiliated by the words I spoke and the ideas I unfolded. Also the so called 'conservative mindset' would bring up a long long list of reasons why I should be neglected. Let me name some:

  • It is just a one man source, there is no immediate support for this theory.

  • It must be a criminal, we have found out there is some sex case against this person.

  • The guy is completely unreliable, we found out he smoked drugs and even inhales it.

  • Never give a recalcitrant figure a platform for speech, just never.

  • The guy is some embarrassment to the President, never mention the Dutch guy.

  • He is just on his own, what can he do? He is not relevant.

  • And so on and so on.

Do not forget I am only estimating what could have happened in all those White House heads (and NSA heads, CIA heads, FBI heads and all 'other' journalist heads). I am just estimating and I could be wrong, and beside this pure and raw fear is also a factor of importance. Fear, evil and the rest...

Only later the so called Stockholm syndrome must have set in heavily and I became the great Puppet Master, so I could create stuff like the NightmareOnWallStreet and many many other scares. 

So many other scares, so often with success I created those big waves of panic through the entire USA and I liked it. The more the better and the more the safer it all was for me, and it was nice to have this lovely 'hands on' control of that five-color terror warning system. That feels great, but now I am talking about my own interest...

No, the question of 'interest of America' is not completely answered by far. Beside the religious, military, humiliation and fear component there is something else. This is the component of being stupid and the company of this is being a coward. And these six components cover a large part of the big silence upon some rather good hypothesis upon the nine eleven atrocities. 


14 August remark: After reading reporting and so it is understood that some of the hijackers (and or helpers) did indeed visit Afghanistan and could have received training and so on. Problem stays that it is very good filed that Osama bin Laden refused to fight with you together (at the Russians) when you even had some shaven face.

So what about that 'body shaving stuff' that is nicely wiped under the carpet all these months? Do your thinking, who do you believe, the Whitest of Houses or do you believe me? What is a 'better' truth? (And never forget I do not have direct insight to what happened in detail either, just compare the two versions of the nine eleven atrocities, do it!)


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