A letter to the Dutch army.  


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Posted 08 June 2003 

Intro: My dear Dutch army, we live in the same country and long time ago I served as a soldier myself so I do know you a little bit. I like you because you are a relative small army and you have to compete with the 'big boys' in many ways.
On the other hand I do not like you because in the summer of 2002 I did sent you some letters and in those letters the principle of paying war tax was explained to the tiniest detail. How many letters did you receive and how many answers did I get?

Please let me inform you that zero answers are not liked by me, and please let me inform you that I have to take this number of zero answers as some kind of fundamental humiliation of the War Tribunal.   



But if you think you can come away with this fundamental humiliation, please proceed as normal. Why not, it were only a few Germans blown away so you were lucky this time.
My dear army, you could be drawing profit against attacks for some time because I am Dutch too. And it could be logical and it could be reasonable that the so called international terror organizations therefore do spare you a little bit, but if I were you I would start to do some thinking.

Think a bit around the latest (and very first!) blast into Kabul against the ISAF stuff, and better think fast because my patience with you is running out fast. You know, if you arrest me planes fall from the skies and that is a fact of life. Don't believe me? Just give it a try...

Let me keep this short, the future is clear. So give up your guns and surrender to the rules of the War Tribunal. This is by far not my last offer for you, but again my patience is running out. So think fast, act harsh and transform your war machine so you will have some advantage when the new format for war is at the scene.



Greetings from the representative of the War Tribunal,  Reinko Venema.



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End of extra text.



Title: Hey boys, need a bus ride? Wow boys, how did this Saturday feel?  




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Title; Holland, you know what I want from you, just give it to me.